Introducing a Truly Radical Cryptocurrency Asset
Imagine a crypto meant for you. One that is not limited to determining a level of industrial production, or even determining who controls such production.
Imagine a crypto meant to abolish not only the commodification of humanity, but also the passions, compensations and habits which that commodification has engendered.
It’s time to define new desires in relation to present possibilities.
It’s time for LutteCoin.
Proof of Non Work
If you are living for the sake of accumulating currency, you are working. Lutte can change that. Through our revolutionary Proof of Non-Work system, Lutte allows you to stake your crypto using 100% capacity of any device. While those devices are “bricked,” our Proof of Non-Work protocol rewards you through the accumulation of lived experiences. Don’t wait for the value of coins to liberate yourself from screens. The life you want is one brick away.
Live Without Dead Time
Whether it’s capitalism or socialism, cults of “productivity” have turned your time to its advantage, developing vast industrial sectors of leisure activities and products that dull your life into that of a human resource.
Lutte rewards you for time spent away from machines of productivity. Brick your phone, laptop, even your SmartTV to earn more LutteCoin. We’ll automatically burn your coins, rendering them useless in exchange for your own, self-defined experiences of freedom and play beyond the reach of financialization.
A Decentralized World
As a truly decentralized protocol, aimed at the complete removal of hierarchical power and coercion, anyone can join Lutte with any device. It’s a first in the crypto space. We dream that Lutte could be powerful enough to persuade Facebook, Google, and other centralized purveyors of digital surveillance to join our network — all it would take is the flip of a switch.
“We need to construct new ambiences that will be both the products and the instruments of new forms of behavior.
To do this, we must make practical use of the everyday processes and cultural forms that now exist, while refusing to acknowledge any inherent value they may claim to have.”
— Guy Debord, Lutte Co-Founder

Feel free to contact us with any questions.