Read Our White Paper
Sense for a world which hardly makes sense.
Beyond Currency. Beyond Crypto.
Today, “revolutionary” discourse is often attached to the decentralization of financial institutions in the cryptocurrency space, despite lacking any truly revolutionary ideological innovations. At the heart of most popular cryptocurrency discourse today is a desire to transform everything in the world into a simpler tool for automated accountants.
We navigate the world through a "mystifying illusion" of spectacles present in advertising, films, even vacations and leisure, that consolidates control in the name of economic productivity.
We spend hours of "free" time on social networks turning our time into data to be collected and sold by those providing us with "leisure." This is, fundamentally, an employee relationship being given freely to corporations. UX interfaces and digital interactions extend this spectacle, rewarding users with illusions in exchange for distracting them from the ways they wish to actually live.
Abandoning the spectacle of economic productivity, our “Proof of Non-Work Consensus Protocol” turns devices into useless objects, or “bricks.” Users, liberated from the spectacle of electronic interfaces, pursue other dreams.
Meanwhile, your devices mine and create cryptocurrency which can never be accessed. The devices are frozen, aside from mining, and interfaces made inaccessible, until its death.
Eventually, they burn out, and with it, so does any currency it has produced. This perfects the process of automating human leisure, mining and destroying wealth in an endless parody of economics. That’s LutteCoin.

“In this game’s changing space, and in the freely chosen variations of the game’s rules, the autonomy of place can be rediscovered without the reintroduction of an exclusive attachment to the land, thus bringing back the reality of the voyage — and of life understood as a voyage which contains its entire meaning within itself.”
— Our Founder, Guy Debord